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Monday, August 31, 2009 |
went to school for teacher's day celebration. had some teacher guessing game, watched performance. but this performance was not as good as the national day performance.but anyway still nice cos wat matters is the effort and the thoughts that counts(: |
♥CASSANDRA 8/31/2009 01:20:00 PM |
Went to church as usual. went east point again cos my mum wanna buy some groceries. dad saw his primary school friend.I was so amazed cos my dad still can recognise his friend .tht means they know each other for almost 36yrs.WOW!!! went to grandfather house for family gathering. |
♥CASSANDRA 8/31/2009 01:15:00 PM |
I went to fengshan pri school with lynnete and carmen to see 1 p3 girl play the ghostfleet solo cos the conductor thinks i got no feeling when i play that solo.But end up ,we taugh some girls to play the flute(: Quite a fun experience.after ,the conductor treat us lunch at cs. the teppeyaki was nice but too many things to eat . very full.when for music class.go east point.when to eat dinner.btwHAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DADDY!!(: |
♥CASSANDRA 8/31/2009 12:50:00 PM |
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 |
yesterday after school went to jingyi house to do project with hengle,shuhui,yanling and sharon. JY ah ma cooked beehoon and we got to eat too(: it was delicious and the green bean soup also nice.went home,bathe and went for tuition until almost 10pm. today ... as usual went to school, got remedial for chemistry......go home. |
♥CASSANDRA 8/18/2009 05:25:00 PM |
Friday, August 14, 2009 |
♥CASSANDRA 8/14/2009 11:36:00 PM |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 |
SORRY NEVER BUY YOU PRESENT. today , i brought my new bag to school. i love it so much .nothing much happened except i irritated wai kit until he emo. haha i am so powerful hoho. after school ate lunch with hengle,shuhui,jingyi and yan ling. went action city , had lot of fun(: not until yan ling tried to open a bottle of candies. which shocked her fingers. and everyone started to try opening the bottle(except me, jingyi and hengle).then went to urban write at t1. bought strawberry yourgut drink and yanling bought green apple yourgut drink. i realised all the drinks sold in 'each a cup' is super nice to drink(: after tat went home... |
♥CASSANDRA 8/11/2009 07:37:00 PM |
Monday, August 10, 2009 |
♥CASSANDRA 8/10/2009 07:49:00 PM |
this yr national day concert very nice, maybe better than my primary school one( after tat slacked wif shu hui and yan ling , watch some performance at the ampitheatre.went to shu hui house until 4.30. took bus 12 and saw someone.went home.bring tasha walk walk/ Last Saturday my little bro birthday. hoho i think i am the worst sis in the world , i forgotten to bring his birthday present;p anyways decided to treat him watch the movie UP next mon. late for piano lesson, daddy fetch me home. bathe went vivocity eat sushi tei, there a lot of people like everything is free(: went around looking at clothes... Yesterday HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! 44th yrs old le still young.went swimming at laguna. yesterday the swimming pool full of ang mos. all very tall and handsome(: went queenstown . some shopping centre to shop. bought new rollar-blading guards. daddy bought a new kappa bag for me as new school bag(: |
♥CASSANDRA 8/10/2009 07:34:00 PM |
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 |
♥CASSANDRA 8/04/2009 07:50:00 PM |
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